Friday, August 10, 2007

Since my camera was out of batteries this morning I decided to take a few pictures when they were recharged. I had to take some pictures for my food blogs (baking delights and apron strings & simmering things, so I decided to take some of just what is happenign here today.
Yes..we have had alot of trees come down this year but the blessing in that is that we have alot of wood for the fireplace. In the winder we try to close the doors into the kitchen and stay in there by the fire for the most part. I know..shade of The Long Winter. Hey, right now we save money where we can.
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There is more where that came from...I still have several trees to saw up.
O.k..this may seem strange to you...but htis rock came from Bucks County Pa. When I was 4 we lived there and I found this huge rock. I went home to get my dad and he came back with me, thinking it was a small rock I had found...Not so. He went and got a wheelbarrow, bless the man, and hefted this huge thing up on the wheelbarrow, took it home for me, set it next to the play house he had built for me...and then proceeded to move it everytime we moved for the next 14 years. It is sitting in what will be my prayer garden someday. Right now it is just the side of the house
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Next on the magical mystery tour we have my flower garden which, at the moment, is boasting a couple of scraggly roses and some marigolds...but they are flowers.
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Now, this is not our meadow..this is by the back door. :( If only the pasture looked like this.
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I bet you are wondering why my kids are cleaning the shed on the hottest day of the year? Because they have fiddled around all week..and ran out of fiddle time. :)
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The chickens are getting really big. I think they are depressed today, mourning hte loss of their comrade...they seem to be subdued.
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Grin saw me out htere and thought it was time for dinner. HA!
No way!
and this......this is where someday Iw ill relax with a book and a glass of iced tea, surveying my completed house in all it's glory......
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and then I will grab my walker, put my teeth in and hobble in to see my visiting great great grandchildren. :)


Anonymous said...

They were fiddling and ran out of fiddle time. That made me laugh. OH, I had goats and barred rock chickens and horses and rabbits and dogs and ducks and pheasants and..more.I milked the goats and made goat cheese (but it was more like cottage cheese) and yogurt. We all gained weight from the goat milk. My kids grew up and I moved on to the city. I think there is an old country song about that.

That chair looks just like it was meant for that.

MarlaQuack said...


Wishing I lived closer.

If I left now I could be there in about 30 hours. Depending on traffic of course.