Wednesday, February 06, 2008

There IS light at the end of the tunnel!!!

Wow..It has been such a long time.
So many things have happened over the past few months that I have sort of lost my vision for Frozen Music and what I meant it to be. It was hard to come and write when I felt that I had nothing to write about and I was writing prolifically elsewhere.
I haven't felt much like a homesteader lately, or a home restorer. Mostly I have felt like a puddle on the floor. Irritating, and not much substance. :)
I think I have a vision again. I think I have a voice. SO..I am taking a deep breath and starting again. Rather than just being about my home restoration, though, this will be more of a diary of daily life. I will bring my homeschooling, my homesteading, my home-working, all together here, and try to assemble the thoughts daily into something readable and worthwhile. One of the changes is that I will no longer do pay for post posts. It was good money when I needed it but I am doing well with other things now. :)

Catching you up; Our oldest daughter and her family moved in in December. Marc lost his job shortly afterward. He then had knee surgery in January. He is working part-time for Home Depot, and meanwhile, the Lord has blessed my writing to the extent that I am making the major income. My daughter and son in law are not working.
Mentally and emotionally it has been a struggle but I have peace because I know that I am resting in Him, and that all things are under His feet.

If you are curious about where I am writing:
Baking Delights
Kettle & Cup- tea and coffee.
Home School Central- Homeschooling, free mini-unit studies that I create, and homeschooling helps.
Hub Pages- I write a lot of "green living" articles, and information on homesteading, skills, websites, etc.
Love To Know- I write for several channels there: gardening, herbs, antiques, home decorating, home improvement, green living.

Today, Marc is off. It it bright, sunny and cool. I don't have many plans at all.
  • Marc and I are going for coffee (yay!).
  • I need to plan the garden
  • I need to lay out the subjects for the next week or so of blog posts on my other blogs
  • I need to schedule my article assignments
  • I need to do laundry
  • I need to pray, again, about selling the horses because of finances.
Since church is tonight, even though there is s
o much more to do, I will be stopping there. If you are at the point of planning your garden you might like to read What too Plant: Planning Your Early Spring Garden

I think planning is the most fun, really. :)

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