Saturday, June 16, 2007

I mmissed this yesterday at My Life As Anniebut I like the concept alot and so here I go...

Fill in the blank..The best thing about where I live is: It has always been my dream to life in a big OLD farmhouse. Sometimes it is frustrating because of all the things that we need to do in the restoration but I know that someday it will be so worth it! I love that we have a creek for the kids to play and swim in, enough property for horses, chickens and goats, and that we have big old trees for shade. I love the big porch and the gian kitchem..I love that I have 4 ovens...I love that the house has history.
Create a new name for deoderant
hmmm... Sweat Be-gone

nothing..I have promised Marc to never again do anything to the computer but turn it on, type and turn it off.
Main Course
If you were to win a superlative award today beginning with the words, "Most likely to" what would the rest of it say?
Most likely to forget to milk the goats because she was caught up in a blog fog

What two colors do you like to wear together?
Red and burnt orange. What can I say? I am an autumn

1 comment:

Rising Rainbow said...

This is a different one that I have seen before. I like the concept. I'm sbout the same with the computer, can be trusted typing but that's about it. Im better off to keep to the barn.