Friday, October 20, 2006

Got the electric hologram fireplace/heater for hte bedroom..I really like wood fireplaces better but for the ease of installation and cost you can't beat htis..and it really adds charm to the room...

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I don't know whether we will do this or not but as I looked at the pictures of the porch I thought about building the base of the posts out, craftsman style. I think it would look really cool..need to talk to Marc about it but not untilw e get the other stuff done...I wish I could do more of the work..I have the time but not the ability...and my mind definitly comes up with things faster than he can build them. Pray for him.
So I am still flat on my back from pain...which gives me way too much time to think...

Monday, October 16, 2006

I am feeling hte pain from the land scaping on saturday...but it is looking good..and we did get it doen before the rain came in..Now..just to plant it!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

So the dirt is here, and it does NOT look like much but MArc assures me it is a great deal of dirt. I am on my way to Home Depot to buy landscaping junk (that is a technical term for those of you that don't recognize it) and try to get the front bed in before the rain hits. It is going to be a tight is dark and cold-ish out side so we will see..I just hate that we have so much rain coming in...a somewhat large pile of dirt is much better than a somewhat large pile of mud...and then of course there is the flood fear...what if it floods and takes it out? There goes 300.00. Ah well...
I don't have pictures now but will try to get some before, during and after...
I am excited though. Marc said that he was thinking of making cement steps..YAY! It would be so much better with them....
And he also told me to go ahead and order an electric fireplace off of ebay for the bedroom. It is not the electric fireplace of the 60's...sort of stupid and cheap looking..Now days they have flames and realistic logs and mantles...By the time we get hte house ready to sell I won't want to move.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Just ordered 10cu yards of topsoil..WHOOOHOOO..It should be here friday. SO I have between now and then to plan which gardens I am going to put in first. I am definitely thinking hte front..but I imagine moving the stairs first would be the way to go?
SIgh...I wish that I was a guy..they just seem to be able to do all this stuff naturally...
Do you think if I learned how to burp it would help?

Thursday, October 05, 2006 out of the blue I hired an electrician to fix the bathroom wiring and decided since he was doing that to put up my wall sconce and put new lighting in the bathroom..well now that there is new lighting in there of course it needs a new wall treatment..the old one is from the P/Os (Previous owners or P---ed Off or whatever you want to call them)and it is ugly. It is sort of an adult If You Give A Mouse A Cookie book..You know..If you give a restorer a new light fixture she will want to change the wallpaper..... here are the fixtures...and then the 2 pictures of the antique sconce...I cant decide if I like it with or without the covers. Still need to get the wall behind it painted but I am one step closer.
AND Marc did get the wood rot dealt with on Monday..Yay!